We sat down with Mrs Nathan, our new school SENCo to find out more about SENd provision at Sinai and how we best support the children and their learning. 

  1. What are your main responsibilities as the school SENCo?

Ensuring that every child reaches their full potential and is supported at school. I do this by supporting and training the teachers and teaching assistants. I make sure the children are working at the right level and pace for them and I also support any children who may need additional support to regulate. We pride ourselves on working with the whole family so I also work with parents whether that be exploring strategies or unpicking paperwork.

  1. What initiatives have you set up?

There are lots of things but a few that spring to mind are: restorative conversations on the playground and around the school, sensory room passes for the children, a bigger selection of quiet and calm activities to do on the playground, setting up some dedicated and quiet spaces and a really lovely SEN coffee morning where I go to meet lots of the parents.

  1. What is your favourite part of the job?

This is an easy one – making a difference to so many children and their families.

  1. How do you support the teachers so our SENd children thrive in class?

We do regular training during our INSET days exploring what is SEN and how we support SEN in class. We also practice adaptive teaching so each child has work tailored to them. I regularly do walk arounds so I can observe the children so we can tailor the resources and strategies to help specific children.

  1. How do you make sure that teachers are delivering a broad and balanced curriculum to all pupils with SEN?

We look at how SENd needs have been catered for in the planning, we look at how the classrooms are being adapted for different children and we work with the teachers to develop ideas ad to model what inclusive quality first teaching looks like.

  1. How do you motivate the children?

I ensure they know they all have a voice and that their ideas are valid and valued. They love see their ideas being actioned around the school.

  1. What special qualities do you bring to the role?

Patience, a deep understanding of the curriculum, a love of working with children and 20 years of teaching experience.

  1. How do our parents contact you if they would like to discuss any part of the SENd provision at Sinai?

Email me – I am always at the end of the email and try to get back to parents as quickly as possible lnathan@sinai.brent.sch.uk