Image of Rock on! Times Tables Day at Sinai

Rock on! Times Tables Day at Sinai

Rock on! - it’s Times Tables Rockstars day for KS2. The children are competing to see which class is the best at multiplication. They’ve certainly come dressed to impress, to get into character, and we’re seeing some impressive...

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Image of Black History Month 2024

Black History Month 2024

October is Black History Month and we celebrate this every year at Sinai. Mrs Gough has led KS1 and KS2 assemblies as an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of Black people in British society. Across the school the children will be...

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Image of Busy hands in  Nursery

Busy hands in Nursery

Busy hands in our Nursery today. The children have been making delicious honey cake

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Image of Reception go on a bear hunt

Reception go on a bear hunt

To finish their class text, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ our Reception children donned their wellies and headed outside on their very own hunt. They ventured through the long wavy grass, the thick oozy mud, the swirling,...

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Image of Nursery make Rosh Hashanah new year cards

Nursery make Rosh Hashanah new year cards

Nursery have been busy bees making these beautiful Rosh Hashanah decorations and cards. They have been painting, sticking and having lots of fun.

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Image of KS2 netballers back on court

KS2 netballers back on court

A new school year and we are back competing. We are proud of our KS2 netballers for representing our school. 

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Image of Rosh Hashanah preparation - blowing the shofar

Rosh Hashanah preparation - blowing the shofar

Mr Drucker is getting our year 5 children ready for Rosh Hashana by learning all about the shofar. The children then had the opportunity to blow a shofar - for many this the first time they have had the chance to do this.

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Image of Sinai awarded a prestigious Eco-Schools’ Green Flag

Sinai awarded a prestigious Eco-Schools’ Green Flag

We have been awarded a prestigious Eco Schools' Green Flag - an international accreditation for our exceptional work in promoting sustainability and raising environmental awareness.  Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, said:...

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Image of Welcome to our Reception starters

Welcome to our Reception starters

One of our favourite days of the school year is when we welcome our new Reception starters. The children have been busy making friends, exploring their new learning environment and having lots of fun. It has been a very happy morning so far.

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Image of It is good to be back!

It is good to be back!

Despite it being a short week in true Sinai style we have packed lots in. The children have all settled in well into their new classes and have enjoyed getting to know their teachers. We have spent time establishing routines in class, reminding...

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Image of Preparing for the new school year

Preparing for the new school year

We have had a full two days of INSET to prepare the school for the children. Our teachers have all been busy in their classrooms ready to welcome the children - please take a look and see if you can spot your new teacher. We are so excited...

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Image of Another happy school year - take a look

Another happy school year - take a look

The faces of happy children in our classrooms, laughing, learning, experiencing and enjoying all that Sinai offers is the best way to showcase a roundup of another very happy year at Sinai. Please enjoy this short video to sum up another...

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