Image of Remembrance Day Assembly

Remembrance Day Assembly

Mrs Lipshaw lead a special Remembrance Day assembly this morning and held a 2 minute silence across the school. She shared a presentation about World War 1 and World War 2 and she showed both her grandfather’s war medals. She was also...

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Image of Sushi making for Japan Day

Sushi making for Japan Day

Year 3 are finishing their Japan topic off in style. Today they not only look fantastic they are also making sushi in our multipurpose room, learning to write their names in Japanese and will enjoy watching a Japanese cartoon. Immersive education...

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Image of Our nursery learn all about being kind

Our nursery learn all about being kind

Our Nursery children have been very busy collaging squares to make a very colourful Elmer the Elephant wall display. The children have been reading the book and learning what makes them special and unique. They also explored feelings and how...

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Image of Remembering Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Remembering Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Our new display in the school foyer remembers Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. It features a selection of his quotes for the children to read and digest. The children have been set a challenge to think of things we do at school that link to some of...

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Image of Firework painting in Reception

Firework painting in Reception

It’s firework painting in Reception today – all three classes will have a chance to make a colourful picture on black paper with bright and metallic paints. It’s fun to be creative! 

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Image of Child Initiated Play in our Nursery

Child Initiated Play in our Nursery

This is what child initiated play looks like in our wonderful Nursery. Today the children could choose from Pom Pom picking with tweezers to refine their fine motor skills and counting, playdoh, exploring coloured rice in the tuft tray, matching...

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Image of Mental Health & Wellbeing at Sinai

Mental Health & Wellbeing at Sinai

Mental Health & Wellbeing – these post boxes are in our school foyer for all the children to access. They can post their worries to our School Counsellor, Elizabeth or our Pastoral Lead, Mrs Lane. All will be answered personally and...

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Image of Proud to support the Poppy Appeal

Proud to support the Poppy Appeal

We are proud to once again be supporting the Poppy Legion Poppy Appeal. To make it safe each year group will have their own appeal box and money can be inserted directly into the donation box. Every poppy counts – visit their website for...

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Image of Kicking off a new half term

Kicking off a new half term

Look at our beautiful new MUGA flooring! It’s a big hit with the children.

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Image of Take a look at our school – new video

Take a look at our school – new video

See the learning, laughing and playing here at Sinai and observe our wonderful, dedicated teachers supporting the children along their learning journey. To book for our Prospective Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 3rd November at 7.30pm...

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Image of Trip to Ancient Egypt for Year 4

Trip to Ancient Egypt for Year 4

Year 4 have been transported back to Ancient Egypt today. They all had the opportunity of being an embalmer.  They went through the process of embalming a tomato preparing it for mummification and the journey to the Afterlife.  They...

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Image of Seven boroughs but one big community

Seven boroughs but one big community

We are proud of the Sinai community we have built and the outstanding education and teaching we offer – so proud we told The Jewish Chronicle all about it! It’s what makes Sinai so special.

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