Our Learning

At Sinai School ‘Love of Learning’ is something that permeates throughout the school.

We carefully divide our time between delivering the National Curriculum and providing an inspirational Jewish Studies Curriculum.

At Sinai School we believe that learning should be enjoyable, engaging and meaningful. We believe that a broad, balanced  and enriching curriculum is an entitlement for all children, thus providing every child numerous opportunities to achieve to their full potential.

The word ‘curriculum’ refers to the subjects your child will study at school. The National Curriculum was developed to make sure all pupils have a balanced education. It contains all of the subjects to be covered and details what topics should be taught in schools. It also shows the standards or levels expected by pupils at age 7 and 11.

The National Curriculum divides subjects that are taught into age groups called Key Stages

At every Key Stage pupils will study subjects in the National Curriculum.

The Key Stages are as follows:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage – Year Groups: Nursery and Reception Ages: 3 to 5 years
  • Key Stage 1 – Year Groups: Year’s 1,2 Ages: 5 to 7 years
  • Key Stage 2 – Year Groups: Year’s 3,4,5,6 Ages: 7 to 11 years

For more information and details about the delivery of the Curriculum in each year group see the Curriculum Overviews

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