Image of Electricity and Circuits - torch making

Electricity and Circuits - torch making

This term in Science, Year 4 have been learning about electricity and circuits. The applied their knowledge to their DT topic of torches. They had to design torches and thank about what makes a good design, considering all the different features....

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Image of History of Toys workshop

History of Toys workshop

To complement their learning in History we are running a “History of Toys” day for our year 1 children. The children are exploring different toys and seeing how they have developed and changed over time. They will also have a chance...

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Image of Olympian and Paralympian visit

Olympian and Paralympian visit

Today we welcome Olympian sprint hurdler Sam Bennett and Paralympian shot putter Vanessa Wallace into school. Continuing our theme of celebrating difference and diversity and knowing the importance of always encouraging the children to have...

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Image of Exploring the Romans

Exploring the Romans

Our year 4 children had a very stimulating day at the Verulamium Museum. The children were able to handle genuine Roman artefacts to build a picture of daily life in the town. They were able to compare the differences between the modern and Roman...

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Image of Year 3 woodwind musical showcase

Year 3 woodwind musical showcase

Our year 3 children have been working so hard in their woodwind lessons - learning the flute and clarinet. The children put on a special showcase for their families this morning to demonstrate their newly acquired skills.

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Image of Monet inspired Art

Monet inspired Art

Year 3 have been looking at Impressionism in Art. They have been recreating the work of Claude Monet by painting these stunning water lily paintings. Look how they have used sponges to paint and create movement in the water. The glitter makes it...

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Image of Mock Elections at Sinai - voting open!

Mock Elections at Sinai - voting open!

The Sinai Mock Election is in full swing. Our School Council made short campaign videos to share with the classes in advance and all the children were given a polling card and visited our polling station under the KS2 Shelter. The children...

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Image of Sports Day fun for years 3 & 4

Sports Day fun for years 3 & 4

A little rejigging thanks to the rain but our Year 3 and 4 children still had a fabulous Sports Day. They ran, jumped, balanced and threw in a range of sporting events including relay, hurdle, javelin, long jump and shot put. They loved...

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Image of DT sewing felt pouches

DT sewing felt pouches

Year 2 are making felt pouches in DT. Last week they practiced a running stitch and cut their own templates. This week they are sewing the pieces together. Next week, to finalise, they will be decorating their pouches. A great life skill to learn...

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Image of Celebrating World Music Day

Celebrating World Music Day

We celebrated World Music Day with a series of musical workshops for the children. The children also researched different musicians and different genres of music to make posters and fact files. Genres ranged from country, jazz, classical, Blues...

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Image of Persuasive and Emotive Writing talk from Love Corn

Persuasive and Emotive Writing talk from Love Corn

Today we had Jamie, the founder of Love Corn, come in school to talk to Year 3 about how the clever use of persuasive and emotive language in their marketing has helped create and grow such a successful brand. This links to the children’s...

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Image of All aboard the Library Bus

All aboard the Library Bus

We are so lucky to have a double decker library bus in our playground. We want all our children to foster a love of reading and they love hopping on the bus and picking a good book.  Today our year 4 children enjoyed a free reading for...

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