DT sewing felt pouches
Year 2 are making felt pouches in DT. Last week they practiced a running stitch and cut their own templates. This week they are sewing the pieces together. Next week, to finalise, they will be decorating their pouches. A great life skill to learn...
Celebrating World Music Day
We celebrated World Music Day with a series of musical workshops for the children. The children also researched different musicians and different genres of music to make posters and fact files. Genres ranged from country, jazz, classical, Blues...
Persuasive and Emotive Writing talk from Love Corn
Today we had Jamie, the founder of Love Corn, come in school to talk to Year 3 about how the clever use of persuasive and emotive language in their marketing has helped create and grow such a successful brand. This links to the children’s...
All aboard the Library Bus
We are so lucky to have a double decker library bus in our playground. We want all our children to foster a love of reading and they love hopping on the bus and picking a good book. Today our year 4 children enjoyed a free reading for...
We are 5 star! Food Standards Hygiene Rating
A huge well done to Santa and the kitchen team and our Breakfast and After School Club staff who were all awarded a 5 star Food Standard Hygiene rating after a spot check from Brent.
Skyline chalk art
Today is Yom Yerushalayim. All the year groups sang hallel and the hatikva and enjoyed a range of crafts. Here are some year 2 children creating their Jerusalem skyline art. The chalks look particularly effective against the black backdrop.
World Environment Day - exploring human impact and ways to help
This Wednesday, 5th June, is World Environment Day. More than 150 countries around the world will mark the day in a bid to help drive change and raise awareness of serious environmental issues. We will be leading assemblies looking at the human...
Meet our SENCo - Mrs Nathan
We sat down with Mrs Nathan, our new school SENCo to find out more about SENd provision at Sinai and how we best support the children and their learning. What are your main responsibilities as the school SENCo? Ensuring that...
Creating Circuits in year 4
This term in Science Year 4 are learning about electricity. To start this exciting and hands on unit of work the children were tasked to create a working circuit. All the groups were successful in lighting a bulb and the excitement was clear....
Free Health Checks for our families
We were delighted to host the Brent Public Health team after school today. We had a range of health professional offering our families free health checks for the children.
Science predictions and recording findings
Our year 1 children have been observing the weather and the seasons in Science. They have been into the playground to see how changeable the weather can be in spring. Then they worked scientifically to read a scale and know that the temperature...
Choir Showcase
This morning we invited parents and grandparents in for our first ever choir showcase. We love to give the children the opportunity to perform on stage and today was extra special as they were performing to a home crowd. They made everyone very...