Image of Iceberg ahead! History brought to life

Iceberg ahead! History brought to life

These are the happy and relieved smiles of the passengers of the Titanic who have been assigned a lifeboat. The year 2 children have been transported back in time to launch their History topic, The Titanic. They had to get into groups to make a...

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Image of Thank you teachers!

Thank you teachers!

The perfect day to start the term - it’s National Teacher Appreciation Day. Today is an opportunity to recognise the hard work and dedication of the teachers. They all play a vital role in shaping your children’s future. 

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Image of Training our teachers - improving and evolving

Training our teachers - improving and evolving

INSET days provide the valuable opportunity to train our staff and ensure we are up to date on all the latest developments in education. It important to constantly evolve and improve. Yesterday and today have included: adaptive teaching, SENd,...

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Image of Hair cutting for charity - well done!

Hair cutting for charity - well done!

We love to celebrate the achievements of the children both inside and outside of school. A huge well done to Evie for donating her hair to The Little Princess Trust - a wonderful and kind thing to do. The charity provides real hair wigs, free of...

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Image of Artist visit

Artist visit

Artist, Beatrice Yeshayahu came to visit year 3. The children looked at printing with all different leaves and the different art we can produce with nature! Mrs Yeshayahu also showed some inspiring artwork by another artist William Morris. The...

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Image of Learning Hebrew letters

Learning Hebrew letters

Our Reception children have been learning a new Hebrew letter, kuf. They’ve been doing a range of table top activities to cement their knowledge. They’ve also been colouring rainbows as the Hebrew word for rainbow is, keshet, which...

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Image of We are top 3% of all primary school for phonics

We are top 3% of all primary school for phonics

Our fabulous school is in the top 3% of all primary schools in the country for phonics teaching and achievement. Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP wrote, “Your particular success in teaching phonics and early reading so effectively means your pupils...

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Image of Year 2 Science experiment - Plant topic

Year 2 Science experiment - Plant topic

Year 2 are really enjoying their Science lesson and their unit on plants. They have planted cress seeds and will be watching the stages of growth and the best conditions for growth ie. light or dark and cold or warm.

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Image of Year 4 bring a taste of Italy to the classroom

Year 4 bring a taste of Italy to the classroom

This term Year 4 will be learning about Italy in their Geography lessons. As a hook to get the children excited about their learning they turned the classroom into an Italian restaurant and the children were able to sample Italian snacks. These...

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Image of Happy morning in Nursery

Happy morning in Nursery

No Monday blues in our bright and colourful Nursery. Just big smiles and lots of exploring and learning to be done!

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Image of We love Sinai because...

We love Sinai because...

Our children, staff, parents and grandparents tell you just what they love about our special school. There’s still time to join the Sinai family - applications for Nursery and Reception close on Monday. Please call for more information...

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Image of Congratulations to Mrs Lipshaw on her latest qualification

Congratulations to Mrs Lipshaw on her latest qualification

Please join us in congratulating our wonderful Headteacher, Mrs Lipshaw, on being awarded her National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership. This is the result of 18 months of educational research into best practice. Mrs Lipshaw is...

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