Breakfast, Lunchtime & After School Clubs

We are pleased to present a whole range of activities and clubs, both at lunchtime and after school.

For more information on the wraparound childcare Sinai offers wraparound childcare from 7.50am – 5.30pm please call the School Office and we will be happy to help you get booked on – 020 8204 1550.

Sibling Club – daily until 3.35pm 

This is for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and bridges the time gap for any parents who are collecting older siblings.
Cost: £2.50 per child

Breakfast Club 

Breakfast Club – a morning provision serving fresh daily breakfast to the children. Limited spaces.

Days running: Monday – Friday

Time: 7.50am – 8.40am (breakfast is served until 8.25am)

Cost: £4.50 per child to include breakfast i.e. cereal, fruit and yoghurt.

How to book: Secure your place on the School Gateway app and then visit to pay and confirm your booking. When both steps have been completed your child will be added to the register.

Bookings must be made by 4.30pm the day before.

Year Groups: All years (Nursery – Year 6)

Location: School Hall

After School Club

An after school provision that runs after Sibling Club until 5.30pm. Children will enjoy outdoor exercise, play games, have the opportunity to do their homework and have access to Chromebooks to complete activities. Children will be served a light supper such as toasties, sandwiches, jacket potatoes or pasta.

Days running: Monday – Thursday

Time: after Sibling Club until 5.30pm (prompt)

Cost: £10.50 per child to include a supper, fruit and a snack. Please do not send any snack other than fruit or vegetables.

How to book: If your child is in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, you will need to book Sibling Club as After School Club runs from 3.30pm when the upper years (Years 3-6) finish. You will need to book Sibling and After School Club - but you will only need to pay for After School Club. If your child is in KS2 (Years 3-6) then please book After School Club only. Secure your place(s) on the School Gateway app and then visit to pay and confirm your booking. Wen both steps have been completed, your child will be able to register. 

Bookings must be made by 9.30am same day at the latest.

Year Groups: All years (Nursery – Year 6)

Location: School Hall

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