Sinai is a voluntary aided school which means we rely on the generous support of our Sinai families for a range of activities across the school.

Voluntary donations help us maintain the very heartbeat of our school, showing the children the religious and cultural traditions of the Jewish festivals and allowing them to make treasured memories as they participate in model Seders, celebrate Succot, light Chanukah candles, hear the Megillah and mark Shabbat every week. They also help provide the staff to educate the children about their cultural heritage.

Donations also help us to fund vital resources, equipment and support staff for specialist subjects, such as French and PE as well as ensuring our campus is secure by allowing us to invest in security, CCTV, up to date alarm systems, entry control systems and security patrols.

These are additional facilities that are not covered by Government funding and are all designed to enhance the experience and safety of the children at the school.

  Per annum  Per term  Per month 
Nursery  – Year 6 £1764 per child  £588 £176.40

We offer the following payment options:

  • Online transfer:
    • Account number: 00298085
    • Sort code: 20 92 60
    • Ref: Child’s full name
  • Cheque / Charity cheque – made payable to Sinai Jewish Primary School
    • 1 cheque for £1764
    • 3 post dated cheques of £588 each
  • 10 monthly instalments of £176.40 per month 
  • Parent Pay – we can set you up with a temporary profile in advance of your start date if you do not have one already
  • Cash
  • Standing Order – this is a regular payment from your bank as instructed by you.

Thank you for supporting the non-secular education provision of your child at Sinai. It is hugely appreciated.

If you are a UK taxpayer, by simply completing a Gift Aid declaration, you can boost your donation by 25p for every £1. Please click on the link below to complete.

Gift Aid Form

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