KS2 SATs 2024

Below is a table that shows the results of the SATs that our previous Year 6 took in May 2024. These results show the children who are achieving at least the expected standard or above.

As you can see from these results Sinai children achieve exceptionally well and are above the national in all areas of learning. Sinai have achieved significantly above the national average for Reading, Writing and Maths combined, for Maths and Writing at the expected standard and at the high standard.  

Please see below for further 2023.24 data.

Sinai achieve above the national for attainment in EYFS and significantly above for Phonics taken at the end of Year 1.

End of year results 2022.23

KS2 SATs 2023

Below is a table that shows the results of the SATs that our previous Year 6 took in May 2023. These results show the children who are achieving at least the expected standard or above.

As you can see from these results Sinai children achieve exceptionally well and are above the national in all areas of learning. Sinai also achieve significantly above the National in Reading, SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and maths for children exceeding the expected level. Our progress data for Maths is above the average.

The DFE produce performance tables each year for every school in England. They are a measure of a school’s performance and you will see from the tables that Sinai Jewish Primary School is performing very well.

They also give information about our school characteristics, our workforce and our finance.

Click here to view the DfE Performance Tables

Please click here to view the compare school performance service

Please see below for further 2022.23 data.

Sinai achieve above the national for attainment in EYFS, phonics and all areas of learning in KS1.

Our phonics score puts us in the top 3% of the country.


Our School Performance Assessment Data is shared below for both EYFS, KS1 and KS2 – across Reading, Writing and Maths.



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